Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


Mistakes are needed
Like gold tested within fire
From wrong make things right.

Black, brown, white, yellow
We share the world as one blood
Why not make it right?

Orang colored hues
Lovers watching sun rising
Future is at ease.

The sky so gloomy
Rain falls like tears from heaven
So as my feelings.

Money is evil
But money brings happiness
Man makes it evil.

Sleeping is peaceful
It feels like I'm in heaven
Welcome to dream land.

Mistakes are needed
Like gold tested within fire
From wrong make things right.

This theme is about "Learning". We all know that no one is perfect and everyone makes alot of mistakes.   It's okay to make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we should reflect and ask ourselves "What did I do?" or "I did something wrong. How can I make it right?". About the 2nd line, which is "Like gold tested within fire", it tells us that gold needs to be put in fire to make it shinier. It means that, men and women needs to commit mistakes to make them a better person.

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